Vitality for Life
Health & Performance Coach, Yoga, Medical Astrology Lifecoach

About Christi
Her Story
Her Challenge
Getting Herself Back Up
The Journey of Mastery

High quality supplements to get you closer to your goals faster.

Shoulder pain? Having trouble resolving them? P-DTR may be that missing piece your body is looking for.

Astrology Lifecoaching to help you heal the wound you came here to heal through lifecoaching

High quality supplements to get you closer to your goals faster.
Holistic Coaching as Unique as You!
This encompasses Personal Training, Strength Yoga Astrology Lifestyle Coaching, Corrective Exercise, P-DTR, Meditation, etc
What people are saying about Christi...
"Christi Sullivan's knowledge of yoga anatomy is mind-blowing!
Her unique blend of yoga, philosophy, and exercise science allow her to
shine and stand above the rest.
Plus she's super sweet!"
- Travis Eliot, founder of Holistic Yoga Flow and creator of the award-winning "The Ultimate Yogi" DVD series.
“Christi Sullivan is a very gifted teacher and someone I hold in very high esteem. If you are fortunate enough to cross paths with this beautiful soul, I strongly recommend you seize the opportunity and allow your life to be touched by her wisdom. She is bridging the gap between strength conditioning and yoga.”
- Mark Buckley founder
of FMA Strength Training
"Christi Sullivan is a CHEK 4 Practitioner with extensive experience in yoga and the healing arts and sciences. She is highly skilled, capable, an excellent example of her living philosophy, and a great teacher and presenter. With her as your instructor, you are sure to gain wisdom, awareness, and body-mind freedom. "
- Paul Chek, Holistic Health Practitioner,
Founder, CHEK Institute

Are you ready to reconnect back to your mind, body and soul?

Let me help you with a comprehensive, holistic, intuitive and loving approach. I am a safe space to help guide you back too your confidence physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Available at Ritual Strength Gym:
By Appointment Only
In-Person Coaching Available
*Home Training Available (limited spots)*
to set up your FREE 30min Consultation!
Or Send Me a Text at