Vitality for Life
Strength & Stretch Specialist Astrology Lifecoach
About Christi
Her Story
Her Challenge
Getting Herself Back Up
The Journey of Mastery
Fundamentals of Inversions
Deconstructing Arm Balances
Do you struggle with wrist, shoulder and neck pain when performing the most fundamental of arm based postures?
Learn the fundamentals of strength for the upper body (peripheral core), the central core and the glutes to help with your arm balances.
Learn from the most basic of arm balance (table top, plank, down dog) to crow, handstands and forearm balances
Or simply fine tune your skills. Maybe discover why your wrists, shoulders and neck hurt when doing arm balances.
Finally conquer why you still can't get up in Crow---Hint: It's not your central core preventing you.
It's the inability to activate the upper body (peripheral core) properly. Without a strong and stable foundation to move upon, your body will not allow you to get up
Day: TBD
Time: 1:30-4:30pm
Space is limited to in-studio to 5 people. Zoom is available