The Root Chakra ~ Muladhara
The journey through the chakras begins with the Root (First) Chakra. Its Sanskrit name Muladhara, meaning “root” or “support”, is depicted as a four -petalled lotus flower, encompassing a downward-pointing triangle, set within a square.
The Root Chakra is concerned with physical needs and basic human survival. It has the lowest vibrational rate of all the chakras, resonating to the color red. The element Earth is represented by the square, or yantra, and the inverted triangle denotes downward movement of energy, which keeps us grounded to the Earth. And so, there is a link between the Root Chakra and gravity, which constantly pulls us downward, connecting us to our material existence. The four lotus petals symbolize the four elements of our earthly home.
7 Major In-Body Chakras
There are seven major on the body chakras. These Chakras are energy centers that are on the human body. Each has a physical location and has unique physical, emotional, mental and spiritual attributes. The In-body Chakras are structured in three ways. The structure includes front and back sides, left and right sides, and inner and outer wheels.
In general,
· The front side governs everyday behavior and regulates relationships with the physically based world.
· The back side responds to our own unconscious programs and manages our relationship with the less-tangibly based world.
· The left side is feminine and regulates feminine oriented issues
o Receptivity, attraction, relationship, intuition and program’s regarding one’s own femininity or the female gender
· The right side is masculine and regulates the masculine oriented issues. Action, domination, success, rationality, and programs about one’s masculinity or the male gender
· Inner wheel reflects programming from our spirit and the divine source
o This programming enables actualization of our spiritual gifts, and the abilities necessary to carry out our spiritual mission
o Establishes actual speed and direction of both wheels
o both wheels, usually clockwise and there are exceptions
· Outer Wheel holds our personal issues, private desires, hurts, sounds, and soul issues.
o Its job is to help us adapt to the surrounding reality
First Chakra ~ Root (Muladhara) Chakra – is critical to our survival. First, chakra receives programming from our family. Through this programming, we make decisions regarding our right and will to survive. Our earliest experiences are recorded here, resulting in the awareness or repression of our most primal feelings. As we move through life, this chakra regulates our physical existence and needs, including issues surrounding sexuality and passion, and the availability of our most basic needs—money, housing, food, clothing, and loving relationships. The first chakra also regulates the physical realm in which it dwells, including our sexual functions.
· Physical location is lower hips, genital area; endocrine gland is the adrenals
· Developmental years 0-7
· The essence is Earth, and the primary color is red; Bija Mantra is Lam
· Primary purpose of chakra is safety, security and sustenance; the will to live
· Life lesson is standing up for oneself.
· Symbols linked to this chakra: serpent, snake, dragon, or holy fire, like the flame of the Holy Spirit.
· Yang aspect relates to how we put ourselves out into the world and how successful we are at surviving
· The Yin aspect concerns how able we are to receive material assistance and keep our ‘will to live’ alive.
· What this chakra adds: passion; raw, primal feelings, including rage, terror, joy, survival energy; material energy for achieving life purpose; fundamental programming about what we deserve in and out of life.
· Key word: Awareness
· Energy type: fed by fire energy from inside and outside of ourselves. It is the recipient chakra for Kundalini, the raw earth energy feeding our life force and assuring survival
· Communicates:
o Physically or emotional needs through real life sensory impression: aches, pains, physical awareness, touches, smells, vibrations, movements, feelings. May involve getting sick as a means to becoming aware of the problem
o Psychically: conveys info regarding our mental needs through physical sympathy, the registration of physical and feeling based sensations from sources that are perceived as not there. This can include feeling physical pains, illnesses, and feelings that belong to someone else; getting hit with smells, nausea, touches, vibrations that seem to come from nowhere
o Intuitively: receives or sends physical sensations that make us look at a soul or spiritual issue or need, causing us to sometimes experience an imaginary reality, as if we were really there. While these experiences are woven from psychic energies, they usually involve a higher learning and a call for a significant change in lifestyle.
· Problems: Root area for addictions and compulsions; sexual dysfunction (physical, behavioral, or emotional) NS diseases or disorders; urinary tract disorders, rectal problems, some circulatory, skin, or reproductive issues, headaches. Family dysfunctional and gender role confusion; any childhood abuse issue; money, career, and finance issue; questions about housing, food, and basic needs. Addictions may involve abuse of alcohol, hard drugs, sex and gambling; cutting; overeating and cravings for red meat and milk products (this is to try and bring balance)
· Health Tips: Eat 6-8 balanced meals and snacks a day; support your adrenals with plenty of water, B Vitamins and minerals; exercise aerobically every day…walking is the best as it proven to lower cortisol levels. Proteins, mostly red meats, and dairy.
· Contains: our roots, including family values, beliefs, and heritage; original feelings about ourselves, our right to exist, our right to occupy space, out right to be loved, our right to get our needs met; programming affecting our basic needs, including the needs for money, love/being loved, sex, food air, water, housing; material energy for achieving life purpose.
· Oils/Incense: Cedarwood, Aptchouli, Myrrh, Musk, Lavendar
· Crystals: Agate, Bloodstone, Tiger’s Eye, Garnet, Ruby, Hematite, Onyx, Rose Quartz, Smokey Quartz
· Planets and the Associated Astrological Signs: Aquarius, Capricorn, Saturn
· Asanas, Poses, Lifts or Techniques: anything that deals with the lumbo-pelvic area down to the feet.
Archetypes: Root Chakra
The Root Chakra is associated with physical security. Our earliest experiences, including the extent to which our basic needs were met, or not, when infants, are recorded and stored there – like a message on a magnetic tape. Whether we are conscious of it or not, our emotional security comes from a sense of belonging to a group. This fundamental aspect of our psychological well-being relates to the Root Chakra.
“Tribal” power may not seem to apply to today’s lifestyles, when we go shop for provisions rather than relying on the group to hunt or gather. But most of us can acknowledge the good feelings generated by being a part of a family, having shared interests with friends, or being a member of a club. When we explore this concept of “the tribe”, or the “mass mind”, we can see how many of our behaviors stem from fitting in with such groups. We may not be consciously aware of how much, such as being fed by our mother as a baby.
The archetypes associated with the Root chakra are the Earth Mother and the Victim. They represent two sides of the same coin – the positive face and our darker side. Dysfunctional Victims are increasingly commonplace in our society as ppl look for other to blame for their problems. If you feel you are a Victim you allow yourself to become vulnerable, needy, and hence ungrounded, because you regard every disappointment, separation, or loss as something that you cannot control or change. Subconsciously you may still consider yourself to be a baby who can’t get up and feed itself and so has to rely on others. Only by recognizing that you have the power to provide everything you need for yourself can you reframe your experiences into opportunities for self-sufficiency, strength, and emotional wholeness. Changing this negative archetype involves taking responsibility for your life, acknowledging that you have choices and deserve the best that life can offer.
Conversely, the functional side of this archetype is the Earth Mother, universally associated with nourishment, caring, and unconditional love. By recognizing the Earth Mother within you (regardless of gender) you acknowledge that you are capable of providing all the physical and emotional security you need for yourself, by yourself. You can begin to develop this ability in a practical way by attending to your inner child’s needs, keeping your home environment safe and comforting by treating yourself in a motherly way from time to time, and affirming that there is nothing you cannot accomplish, either single-handedly or by asking others for help.
Altar: Root Chakra
Whether you choose to do this or not is totally up to you. The intention is to help you focus and ground. You can use themes around the first chakra and the archetype to do this. Using the color red helps a lot. Using crystals that are associated with this chakra. Just look back to the beginning of this pdf. You can always do a web search as well. I personally do not do altars. It doesn’t resonate with me. But holding a crystal does and so does using essential oils. I love all the oils and incense fragrances that were listed. I can use my mind’s eye for the altar instead. I have a journal and a pen close by. I will get the information needed. Sometimes this is that inner child that needs to be seen. I am Inner Mother as well to see and hear her so this part of me can be reintegrated. This unhealed emotion which was a self-sabotaging pattern now is healed and becomes a steppingstone.
Crystals for healing.
Approach crystal healing with an open mind and take the time to choose and position crystals, with your own needs and wishes. Do I use crystals? Yes. Do I position them on the body? Sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t. I will use my intuition about this more than following arbitrary “rules”. Is it more powerful if I put them in the suggested root chakra areas? Nope and yup. It’s your intention that determines this. 99% of the time I just have a bunch of rocks in my pockets or down my bra. I know tons of ppl like this. If I’m doing a Reiki session on someone and I’m guided to place the crystals in specific spots I will or if my client asks I will. It’s about using the right tool at the right time.
Rember you are connecting with the God of your understanding to work through the crystals. Example, Moss agate’s theme is to build up low self-esteem, giving emotional and physical security. Now, can that crystal do that? NOPE!!! Only you can do that. That is something that comes from you. You are taking the action outwardly and inwardly. The crystal helps you with the intention and focus and that is it.
Meditation: Root Chakra ~ I have the vidoe/audio recording attached at the end of this script. There is more on the video than what is written here for the script.
1. Begin to Breathe slowly and deeply. Letting the abdominals and rib cage expand. Having the intention of only high frequency energy connecting with you today.
2. Slow inhale, hold the breath at the top for a count of 5, exhale slowly through the mouth
3. Exhales should longer than the inhale
4. Tense each set of muscles in turn, from feet to head; then relax them, gradually sinking into the floor or chair.
5. Visualize yourself in your perfect surroundings. The sights, the sounds, what it feels like to have the sun heat up your body, what the air smells like. Trees, flowers, rain, etc…You are safe, warm, and secure.
6. Who are the people in this happy place with you? Acknowledge each one; feel their love radiate as a reddish golden glow penetrating every cell of your being, filling you with joy. If there is no one just yet. Let them slowly come in.
7. Begin to imagine your inner mother looking benevolently down on you. Sense her smile enveloping you like a soft cloak. Know that she will never let you down. She is a part of you and will always protect you.
8. Approach your inner mother. Hug and enjoy the sensation. Take time to get to know one another. Enjoy the sensation of re-acquaintance and trust.
9. You see that she has a present for you. Let her give you the present. Examine it. Feel it, smell it, admire the color and shape. If appropriate, taste it. Thank your mother and let her know you will treasure her gift. It is yours to keep and recall every time you feel abandoned or victimized.
10. As you hold your gift, feel the energy of your inner mother’s love channeled into your root chakra. Imagine this chakra as a 4-petalled lotus rotating like a wheel if you choose. Another image may have come in for you and that is fine.
11. Focus on the smooth motion of the chakra and the warm, red glow that fills that part of your body, flowing down your legs to connect you with the Earth.
12. Enjoy the reassuring sensation of being grounded, secure, and stable before bringing your attention back to your everyday surroundings.
Daily Questions:
Ø Does your home reflect who you truly are? If not, how can you change it.
Ø What reward have you given yourself today? A gift, an affirmation, praise, or
Ø Have you focused on abundance or lack today? List things representing abundance (family support, money saved, etc.)
Ø How could you improve financial security? List weekly expenses. Where could savings be made?
Ø Have you lost contact with family or friends? How could you re-establish links? (make approaches through love, not obligation)
Ø How do you honor your body? Do you Adress nutrition, exercise, and relaxation regularly?
My body is becoming more important to me. I nurture is consistently
I am taking responsibility for my life. I can cope with any situation.
I recognize the abundance of love, trust, and care surrounding me
I deserve the best that life has to offer. My needs are always met.
I am connected to mother earth and know the security of being grounded in reality, in the moment.
Write these affirmations out. Have them hanging where you can see them. This is to remind you. You can also have them in your phone and have an alarm set for each affirmation throughout the day.
Practice all of this until next month when we go over the second chakra. Do you have to do this every day? Maybe. This only works if you practice. Also, do not get it in your head that meditation is always calm and peaceful. Sometimes it’s not and that too is also part of the practice. While you are cultivating more of what you want as far as grounding and the other themes for this chakra. Just know the body has to purge the old before this can become more deeply integrated into your nervous system. It’s just part of the process.
Next Free Meditation is Feb 22, 2025 at Noon MST. If you can't attend but want the recording. Head to my website to send me a message.