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Writer's pictureChristi Sullivan

Part 2 of Unresolved neck/shoulder pain/discomfort ~ the emotional piece

This is expanding on the multi-layers of healing. Emotions will drive just about everything. Some things are straight forward physical and even then emotions can keep the pain around. In previous blog I had gone over the physical aspects of the neck pain I was experiencing that was coming from altered shoulder mechanics.

The most signifcant gland related to metabolism sits right here in the neck area is the thyroid. This is also where our voice resides. We have a tendency to not voice and swallow our power only for it to go no where except to stay stuck in the body.

Thyroid is connected to the metabolism. Adrenals are for energy. If you’re not absorbing the nutrients from the food there will be a problem. This is where the pancreas comes into play. If you’re not voicing what needs to be voiced or not being your authentic self and giving yourself away, how can you enjoy the sweetness of life. The stress of giving your power away is robbing you from the joy of being you. It's never one organ. They all work together.

When under a lot of stress, the adrenals will take the brunt (as will the iliocecal valve) and they also will dictate how that thyroid operates as well. Let’s get a little esoteric with the neck and the thyroid. This is where the 5th chakra resides. The 5th chakra theme is about your voice. You could be over doing it or under doing it, so-to-speak. Since there is weight gain and fatigue so let’s look at a slower 5th chakra. Not voicing what needs to be voiced. Not being your authentic self. Giving your power away to other people. Constantly needing approval from others. I can for sure tell you I had not felt like myself since 2020. Was that because I went into my 50’s? Sure. Was it the stress of 2020? Sure. Were there old childhood and old emotional wounds coming up to be addressed and healed? Of course! They all were playing apart in this shift. It's never one thing. Maybe you're recently an empty nester and you placed your identity in being a parent and now you are forced to face yourself; and you don't know who you are.


This is why I began studying astrology. I was always fascinated by it. It was helping me see things about myself. I could make better and calm decisions. I calmly could work through healing. There is a lot in that chart to help you see that you’re ok and that there is nothing wrong with you. It’s a part of the process. Now there is something called a solar return chart that basically gives you insight into the year ahead. I looked back at those! Lots of challenges and 2023 was by far the heaviest and the most stressful. It was also the most significant. Relationships of any kind will be the mirror and the trigger. There is something called Karmic Relationships. Intense. They are your best healing opportunities. Sometimes throught the healing the relationship is lost. But is it? Was the lesson learned and was the relationship healed in the karmic sense? A very important relationship was lost; in a sense. The most powerful healing. How do I know the Karmic Lesson was learned? There is a sense of peace. There are no made up arguments in my head that go on and on in a loop fashion. These things are not easy to nagivate. There are things in my chart and yours that help you understand this behavior better and how to transmute it as well. Why was this so hard for me? I worked on so many things. Why was this a massive trigger again? Karmic Astrology is my friend. I could also see is the synastry in our charts. Why things were so triggering for me. This took me a long time. We will ever be friends again? I think we still are and in a different way than before. What helped me get through this was writing. I wrote to many people that I was having imaginary conversations with because there were things still left unsaid.

Going back to voicing things that needed to be voiced. This has an impact on you. I didn’t voice certain things to certain people because they wouldn’t hear it, or they had already blocked me, what I was converying wasn't being understood in the way I was hoping, or it was years ago. Doesn’t matter. Even if you had consciously let it go, subconsciously that tape was still playing. I sat down and started writing to them. No intention of sending but the act of writing it to them and getting it out of your brain. I wrote to several people for various reasons. I went to bed. I slept like a baby for the first time in awhile. I woke up feeling the most energized I have felt in a long time. The neck pain was down by 80% and what was left was a nice and tight upper trap and levator scapulae. I had done the neck mobilizations before bed as well. The constant argument I was having was gone. Stressful thinking will affect your adrenals and thyroid just as much as the moment of the experience.

I felt like myself again. I had not felt like this for 4-5 years. Now my body still needs an aspect of recovery. I can lift consistently now. Which is so awesome!! I can build muscle again. Building muscle builds your metabolism along with high protein food plan. I still eat carbs and fat because they are important. As women get older, (I found and experienced myself)begin they eating less protein and begin moving less. We may not notice that at first. That’s a quick way to have brain fog, have less energy, muscle mass and gain weight body fat. I am on certain supplements to help with the healing and the recovery. I have no intention of staying on supplements forever because it needs to be maintained with food. Sometimes you need the supplements. If you’re interested in what they are message me.

There are health related issues that can be seen with people according to their sun sign. I am an Aries; I can over stimulate my adrenals. Libras can have issues establishing balance mostly with digestion. Leos can have more issues that are related to the heart such as anxiety. These are generalizations becasue there is way more to it than that. It’s very interesting with my clients how this holds true. There’s more to you than your sun sign.

If you’re experiencing neck/shoulder issues that aren’t getting resolved. Reach out! I can help. I’ve already done these techniques on my clients and issues have been resolved. Only one hasn’t and this client needs to have his shoulder looked at and have an MRI. There could be something structurally going on that hasn’t been addressed yet.

If you’re interested or curious about the astrology life coaching, I do reach out. It’s powerful personal development tool

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